People in care show support for Ukraine with 3,000 daffodils

Adults in Lincolnshire with learning disabilities, autism and complex physical and mental health are sharing flowers as a gesture of goodwill and solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Individuals supported by Home From Home Care in Lincolnshire are sharing the 3,000 daffodils, which were kindly donated by Evolve Flowers in Pinchbeck. Tied with yellow and blue ribbons (the colours of the Ukrainian flag), the daffodils can be given as a kind gesture, or as a sign of solidarity for Ukraine. The 87 individuals supported by Home From Home Care have each been given a bunch for themselves and they’re encouraged to share others within their local communities in Fiskerton, Bardney, Ruskington, Stallingborough and Dorrington. Hugo de Savary, director of Home From Home Care said: “We were absolutely delighted when Helen at Evolve Flowers got in touch with us to say they’d like to give flowers to the individuals we support, and we were even more amazed when we realised how many there’d be! “As well as caring for people, a huge part of our work is helping people with complex needs to be active members of the wider community, with as much independence as possible. The individuals we support will be giving away flowers to the people, businesses and organisations they care for and appreciate, and it’s also a simple way for them to express support for the people of Ukraine. “Many individuals have been following the news from Ukraine and we’ve been helping them to understand and process that in a way which is appropriate for them. These topics can be challenging for people with learning difficulties and complex needs so this is one way we’re helping them to respond to that, and we’ll be doing more on this in the coming weeks. “They’re very excited about this opportunity to either show support for the people of Ukraine, or just share some goodwill and happiness and I’m really pleased for them. Arranging things like this is one of the best parts of our work and it puts a smile on all of our faces.” Evolve Flowers in Pinchbeck donated the flowers after the recent storms meant they had thousands of daffodils they were unable to sell. As a solution, florist Helen Chambers decided to give them to Home From Home Care, a family-run care provider which operates 11 care homes and specialist services across Greater Lincolnshire. Florist, Helen Chambers at Evolve Flowers said: “In the last few weeks there were quite a lot of storms and that meant that our customers weren’t going into our flower studio or the florists we supply as they normally would while they stopped at home in case a tree fell on them or something like that. As a result, we had thousands of flowers which are nearly ready to bloom. They’re full of joy and they’re very springy and lovely, but we just had too many of them! These poor daffodils have grown from a bulb and used all their energy to produce these beautiful flowers so I had to find a home for them – and where better than Home From Home Care!” For information about Home From Home Care, including careers and job vacancies, visit
5 Tips for Women Starting Business to Create the Success You Want

The pandemic has been tough on women in the UK. This is because women are more likely to work in the most affected sectors, and working on zero-hours contracts and part-time hours. So job insecurity, loss of potential promotion or of employment has disproportionately impacted women. Mothers and those already experiencing other inequalities such as disabled women and women from minority ethnic groups have been especially affected. But it’s not all bad news. More and more women have been turning to setting up their own online businesses. Many women starting business realise that they want to be more free and independent. Starting an online business is something anyone can do with a laptop and a basic setup and of course it’s unaffected by events like the lockdowns we’ve seen. And this isn’t only to be more independent. As the pandemic has brought up more thoughts around our mortality, more women have been reflecting on their life-paths & career choices, and are choosing to do something that’s more of value to them, something of their own, that they’re passionate about and that will be more rewarding & fulfilling. However, although numbers are growing, there are far less women starting business than men. Many women struggle with mindset blocks – to do with uncertainty, lack of confidence, self-doubt or fear. There can also be stress or overwhelm, whether to do with ‘how to’ set up a business or with work-life balance and having a family. Having the right mindset has been shown to be the biggest indicator of success. So if you’ve also been thinking of starting your own business and following your passion, it’s important to identify any mindset blocks you might have and address them. Doing this will put you in the best place to take the necessary consistent action towards your goals. Here are 5 things women starting business need in order to create sustainable success: You need to have unshakeable confidence & belief in yourself, your self-worth & your ability to achieve your goals and that you can create your own opportunities. Imposter syndrome, beliefs such as ‘I’m not good enough’, self-criticism, comparison to others, procrastination, lack of motivation, are all signs you need to identify your mindset blocks and work on your self-worth and on negative beliefs you have about yourself, your success or the world around you that are holding you back (many of which are subconscious).You can only achieve what you believe is possible for you. There will also inevitably be lots of challenges, and you’ll be doing and trying many things that won’t always get the results you want. So you have to be resilient, make a solid commitment to continue on, no matter what, with an open and curious mind. Drop perfectionism. Make friends with experimenting, taking risks and feeling uncomfortable with stretching yourself to try new things. Be patient. Failure doesn’t exist when you consider it all as simply a process of learning. This is the only way to find out what works. You have to know where you’re going in order to get there! Lacking this clarity creates fluctuating motivation which really comes from confusion & overwhelm around strategy and taking action, as you’re unclear on what’s the best, high-impact action to take if you don’t know where you’re heading. Learn to choose positive beliefs around it (yes, it’s possible to choose your beliefs when you’ve got the tools!) that will support your financial goals. Again, you have to believe it’s possible for you to hit your money goals – you simply won’t make what you believe is out of reach for you. You also have to feel confident & comfortable talking about money. You need to feel good about selling, charging or investing. Negative money feelings or beliefs will absolutely stand in your way of being successful. as well as the exact problem you solve for them if you’re offering a service, and the need you’re providing for if it’s a product. You need this in order to communicate & connect with your audience in the best way. You need to have a process for how you’re going to reach your goals, and have marketing systems in place. You need to know exactly how you’re going to reach your target market, how to most effectively communicate your message or offer, and have a clear process for getting them to engage with you as well as a clear sales process. There will absolutely be some trial & error with this, but that’s the only way to find what works for you. Having the clarity, confidence & growth mindset will ensure you keep focused on learning from your trials and on continuing to take high-impact actions. If you’ve got these key 5 things in place, you’re likely to find success over time. Unfortunately, though, it’s also a fact that most women starting business quit within the first 2 years. And what’s even more unfortunate is that they weren’t ‘failing’ – they simply haven’t given it enough time and haven’t had that necessary self-belief and trust in the process. Here are the most common mistakes you want to avoid when starting a business: Maya Zack is an award-winning personal development & mindset coach, peak-performance specialist and hypnotherapist for aspiring as well as already established women entrepreneurs. She’s also one of the only Sedona Method™ practitioners in the UK. Her mission is to empower people and particularly women to create the life they want doing what they truly love on their own terms and have more freedom – personally, professionally & financially. To do that, she has developed her unique signature 8-week step-by-step mindset makeover programmes that change thinking & feeling patterns on the deepest, subconscious level, reprogramming their minds for success so that new habits & behaviours quickly become automatic & effortless. For more info: IG: Linkedin:
Why UCan2: How you can run a financially successful business and create a life to suit your needs

It is Possible to Run a Financially Successful Business and Create a Life To Suit You and Your Needs Written by Claire Sweet, an award-winning financial adviser, money coach and best-selling author and Founder of Peace Together Money Coaching. Claire runs a multi-six-figure business advising entrepreneurs and business leaders globally on money management. Her best-selling book “Have Life Your Way” primarily aimed at women, gives straight talking advice on how to achieve financial security and financial freedom. Growing a business and working in a way that suits you is being championed by entrepreneurs and business leaders the world-over and there’s nothing to stop you or hold you back from taking your passion, skills and experience and creating your own success, or in Claire’s words: ”Have Life Your Way!” Women are making their fortunes and growing businesses all around the UK. What starts as a kitchen table hobby or garden room enterprise blossoms overnight and we can say “yes!” to success. Every entrepreneur needs support and there are increasing levels of support available for all businesswomen. I really admire Michelle Ovens, the Founder of Small Business Britain, who champions the 14 million disabled people in the UK, nearly one in five of whom are working-age adults. I know that there are many people with different barriers and challenges, who start their own business, and many more aspire to. We just need to create an environment where our diversity is recognised and celebrated be it; physical, emotional or mental health challenges. From dyslexia, learning disabilities, depression…. famous entrepreneurs include; Richard Branson and JK Rowling, and if they can create their own success, you can too. Let’s shout about it! A lot of us don’t talk about what we do, we don’t try to sell our crafts or artwork, or think about expanding our small businesses as we often worry about what others will think. This is even more prevalent than we think. “Will people think that I’m greedy or selfish? Or that I’m trying to show off?” This often shows up as guilt that you’ve done better than your friends/family and means that you don’t celebrate your successes as often as you could – instead sitting quietly when everyone is talking about what a bad year they’ve had. The perception that it’s not fitting to be THAT successful is still ingrained in so many people, often on a subconscious level that you could live next door to a (female) millionaire and not know. Still shopping in Aldi and driving a 10 year old mum-car you’d have no idea that one of my clients made more than $2million in her business last year. But there are two really good reasons for you to celebrate your success: I’ve got some amazing examples of things that my clients have been able to do since their businesses crossed the £5k-£10k a month mark. Kyla’s success enabled her husband to fully retire from his rewarding but very stressful job to pursue his passion part-time creating beautiful hand-made pieces of woodwork. Natasha is able to donate regularly to causes she feels passionately about, plus buy food hampers and presents for more than 30 local families last Christmas. None of this would have been possible if they hadn’t followed their dreams and taken their businesses up to that six figure, multi-six and seven figure level. So it’s time to get clear on what money could do for you – once the bills are paid and you have money over to spend on whatever you want to. Things that make life better for you, your family and friends and the world as a whole. The point is that you can use this money for anything you choose – I’m sure you have a picture in your head, even if you’ve not yet got it as far as a vision board. I use a process I call activated vision boarding with my clients, getting really clear on how they’d like their life to look and how they’d like to feel. And then we create a step by step plan to get there. You’ll know what purpose this money you’re earning has, and be really clear on all the opportunities that it will bring – a ripple effect out into the world which starts with YOU. To find out more about Claire please visit or you can purchase her best-selling book ‘Have Life Your Way’ via
How women can create a successful podcast | Top tips

“Women Not Podcasting Due To Visibility & Tech Fears” -Leading Podcast Expert Encourages more Women to Tap into Audio Power and Shares Top Tips To Creating A Successful Podcast from the Comfort of Your Own Home. There is no doubt that the podcast industry is booming with over 2.5million podcasts now live. We have seen that there is a real increasing thirst for audio content, as the audiobook and podcast industry continues to surge and soar in popularity. However, audio and podcasting continues to be a male dominated field, with 2020 stats showing that only 21% of podcasts are hosted by women. I want to help remove any barriers many women place in front of themselves when it comes to entering the ‘unknown’ audio space. Having personal seen the power audio can bring, I have been able to create a multi 6 figure business from scratch over the last few years, and I’m passionate about helping others and share my advice on how to use the audio world to build authority and have more impact, influence and income! I have experienced many personal challenges including; being bullied in my teens and suffering imposter syndrome, this led to me having a real fear of being visible and decided it was best to not pursue my dream career of being an actress, I kept my face away from the cameras and bright lights and instead used my voice to pave out a successful career becoming an award-winning voice actor. However, in my thirties, during my third pregnancy, I became wheelchair bound with server Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD), I was unable to travel to do recording and wasn’t able to do the word I loved. However, I decided to use this time to learn everything about the world of audio and become an audio expert – I even built a recording studio at home, so I could work from home and I went on to become an award-winning voice actress and audio producer working with brands such as; Coca Cola, CBeebies, FC Barcelona, CITV, Aardman Animation, Virgin and BBC. This led to me learning more and more about audio power and eventually become a podcast host and now, one of the UK’s leading podcast experts and the Founder of The Podcast Agency Audio is a very different world, but that doesn’t mean it has to be hard, or inaccessible – I want to open doors so more people can share their messages globally through the power of a podcast. A medium that is fast becoming the best way to educate, inspire and connect with listeners globally as they go about their daily lives… and the best part is, with a few piece of good equipment it can be done from the comfort of your own home! A podcast takes effort and knowledge is key in launching a successful, profitable podcast. My international bestselling books ‘Get Visible’ and ‘Podcast with Impact’, share my story and top tips to creating a successful podcast and so does my latest podcast – ‘Podcasting for Entrepreneurs’ – – the podcast covers everything from the impact of a successful launch to growing, monetising and strategising your podcast. Anna’s Ten Steps to Successfully Launch Your First Podcast 1. The Power is in the Planning – The power of a podcast is in the planning stage. Who do you want to reach? What will they take away from your podcast? 2. Positioning – Decide how you want to position yourself to your listeners and within your industry. 3. Listen to Others – Find out the BIG podcasters in your space and go and listen to them. Look at the way they describe their shows, listen to the intros, how to they present themselves? Then go and listen to much small, less well known podcasts – what differences can you spot? 4. It’s all in the Name – Make sure your podcast name lets people know what to expect. 5. Ensure your Brand is ON POINT – Seeing your artwork inside iTunes or Spotify is the first time potential listeners will come in contact with your show – ensure you draw them in and give the right impression. The opening few seconds of your show can make or break whether a new listener stays… choose music that reflects the style and pace of your podcast – think about the opening words of your intro – make it short, punchy and to the point. 6. Microphones – Don’t get lost in tech. Purchase a microphone that is suitable for podcasting (Blue Yeti is a good place to start or a clip on lavalier microphone that attaches to your phone). 7. Editing – I know editing software can look scary, but I promise you – you can edit your own show more easily than you may think. Start with free software such as Audacity. 8. Hosting Platform – You’ll need to choose a hosting platform to upload your audio tracks into. I recommend Libsyn it’s the most popular and reliable. 9. Time to Submit – Now this is the exciting bit – once you’ve got everything lined up in your host, you can submit to the major directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google. Once you’re approved, your show is immediately live! 10. Don’t forget to Promote – As soon as your show is live, it’s your chance to share with everyone you know the value you’re putting out – ask people to also review your show. Keep up the focused promoting until you hit the top of the charts! About Anna Written by British Podcast Award judge, PodFest speaker and top 1% podcaster Anna Parker Naples, from Bedfordshire. Anna has over 15 years of audio and production experience and is now one of the UK’s leading podcast launch experts, a number 1 International Podcast Host, award-winning entrepreneur and Founder of The Podcast Agency Anna is passionate about helping others amplify their message – and bring their podcast to
6 Disability podcasts you need to listen to today

Are you feeling stressed? Tired? Struggling with a disability? Or maybe you just want something new to listen to over sitting in front of the TV? Podcasts are a great alternative to a book, they’re real people discussing real-life matters and there are some great disability podcasts out there that are great for all people, not just those with disabilities themselves. If you search over the internet you will find a lot of podcasts for disabled people, but which ones should you listen to? Don’t worry we have done the hard work for you to find five disability podcasts that offer an insightful and inspiring perspective on disability. So you can have your next binge-worthy listening experience today. Disability podcasts to listen to today 1. BBC Ouch Every Friday you can tune into the long-standing podcast where real disability talk happens with Simon Minty, Kate Monaghan and the Ouch team. 2. Two Disabled dudes An authentic and humorous podcast from Sean and Kyle, who are both affected by a rare disease called Friedreich’s ataxia (FA). FA affects their balance and coordination, significantly limiting their physical abilities. The podcast shares their disability experience and how they live beyond their circumstances. 3. Undressing disability Breaking down the taboos around sex and disability, this podcast from Enhance the UK is here for people who want to learn access to sexual health, disabled parenting or even dating with a disability. 4. Abnormally Funny People Are you looking for a laugh? Abnormally Funny People’s monthly podcast will be just what you need, from a mixed group of disabled and non-disabled comedians. They provide their take on life and disability through comedy. 5. The Disability Download From From Leonard Cheshire, their regular podcasts cover all areas from campaigning for disability inclusion to the disability employment gaps and so much more. 6. The Irwin Mitchell Podcast The podcast is a frank discussion between a panel of guests – ranging from people living with disabilities, to campaigners and experts. Offering real-life experiences and useful information, this podcast is one to have a listen to. There you have it 5 of the top disability podcasts take a listen to. If you are feeling adventurous why not start your own podcast to share your experiences of living with a disability, and to support others. We have some great tips for starting your own podcast right here.
5 Things You Need to Know About Eating Disorders

by Carolina Mountford Source: Beat Eating Disorders 2021 Accessed at: 5 Ways You Can Help Someone Final thought Freedom is possible! Freedom, over and above recovery is entirely possible and eating disorders need not be a life sentence. Regardless of whether someone has had an eating disorder for 5 months, 5 years or 15 years, complete freedom is possible. This is not something someone has to ‘live with’ or ‘manage’ for the rest of their life. Carolina Mountford Eating Disorders Expert by Experience Carolina Mountford lived with eating disorders and other common co-morbidities, such as depression for 15 years, beginning in her early teens. She has now been free from eating disorders for 18 years and is passionate about communicating a message of hope, to everyone suffering and those who are caring for someone with an eating disorder, that total freedom is possible. After reading psychology at Exeter University, Carolina has undertaken several counselling courses, has helped to lead eating disorder recovery courses and delivers talks and workshops on various aspects of mental illness, whilst raising awareness of, and helping to end the stigma so often associated with these conditions. As a signee of the Mental Health Media Charter, she keeps up to date with latest developments in the field through research and regular Continued Professional Development (CPD). Helpful Resources Beat First Steps ED Anorexia Bulimia Care SWEDA UK (Somerset & Wessex Eating Disorders Association)
How to beat rising energy bills – 2022

It’s a fair assumption to say that over the last two years across the nation, the Covid-19 pandemic has financially impacted everyone. Most people have experienced financial hardship which is still ongoing. And amongst the loss of life, redundancies, illness and complete isolation from all reality- the cost of living has seemed to be on the increase. As we entered a new year, 2022 presented itself as prosperous, offering a fresh start for people across the country to somewhat recover from the effects of the pandemic, and regain financial stability. However, not even two months into the new year, UK energy regulator Ofgem announced that energy bills in the price cap are set to increase dramatically. What is the Energy Price Cap? Created in 2019 by the UK government, the energy price cap essentially limits how much individual suppliers can charge each household on their default tariffs. The cap is regulated by Ofgem and is reviewed every 6 months. Why is it Rising and How Much By? Alongside the rising cost of living, the increase in the price cap has been authorised by Boris Johnson as he is urged to take measures against the rising cost of inflation and increased interest rates. On the 3rd of February 2022, Ofgem announced that energy price cap in the UK will rise by 54%- meaning that it will increase from £693 to £1,971 per year. The increase has been caused by the soaring prices of wholesale electricity and gas prices- and the almost total rise of 14% has been a record high. How to Reduce Your Energy Bills. Turn Off Standby Appliances: A great and easy way to reduce your energy bills is to turn off any standby appliances. By doing this, you can save yourself up to £30 a year on your bills. Additionally, you can get yourself a timer to schedule when your appliances turn on and off. Installing a Smart Thermostat: Making your property a smart home has become a popular choice in the last five years. By adding smart appliances throughout your property, you can have better control over how your property is being used. By installing a smart thermostat, you can massively reduce your energy bills, by controlling your home’s heating and cooling system via your telephone. Install a New Boiler: By installing a new boiler, you can save money on your energy bills. Condensed boilers with a programmer and thermostatic radiator controls, you can save around £300 annually. Be Smart When It Comes to Your Water: When it comes to the water in your home, most of us are guilty of wasting water. On average, you can save up to £25 a year by using a washing up bowl rather than a running tip, and as much as £18 per person annually by installing a water meter. Invest in Double Glazing: Investing in double glazing is a great way to insulate your home and protect it from the cold weather-which is vital in the UK. Not only does it keep the heat inside your home, but it also keeps the noise out- making your home somewhat soundproof. How to Reduce Your Energy Bills If You Receive the Disability Allowance Apply for Schemes and Benefits: For those receiving disability benefits, you can ask for extra government help in order to help you finance your bills, especially throughout the cold months of winter. For example, the winter fuel payment is an annual one-off payment that will help you pay for your heating. The loan is available for those born on or before January 5th, 1953, and depending on your circumstances, you can receive anywhere between £300-£500. This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any Home. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?”, head to the We Buy Any Home reviews page for more information relating to all property related enquiries.
Join the Learning Disability Register today

Even before COVID, people with a learning disability were already twice as likely to die avoidably and died far younger than the general population. And during the pandemic many people have faced serious obstacles to accessing healthcare, with a Mencap report published in December 2020 showing the serious barriers to healthcare faced by people with a learning disability. Data from NHS England Data from NHS England – released last month – has once again highlighted the very large numbers of people with a learning disability missing from the GP Learning Disability Register, with a lack of awareness being one of the main issues. Previous estimates have shown only 250,000 people with a learning disability are on the Learning Disability Register and this latest data indicates little improvement. The register (England only) provides the GP with a list of people who have a learning disability. If someone is on the register it makes it easier to liaise with healthcare professionals who should recognise people’s individual needs and help them get access to the services and support they need in a timely way. It also entitles people to annual health checks which we know are key to tackling some of the health inequalities people with a learning disability face, with the most recent LeDeR report showing that people who had not had an annual health check in the previous year were 1.5 times more likely to die (18-49 years old). The GP learning disability register in England was also used as a tool in the prioritisation for the COVID vaccine, and entitles people to a flu jab. Additionally, the recent NHS data also showed a significantly smaller proportion of women with a learning disability had a breast cancer screening test compared to other patients. And more widely LeDeR data suggests men with a learning disability die 23 years younger than men in the general population but for women this is 27 years (LeDeR, 2021). There are also significantly more men on the learning disability register than there are women, meaning women with a learning disability are potentially even less likely to get the support they need. Health inequalities facing people with a learning disability from B.A.M.E groups The NHS data doesn’t include any information about ethnicity – but we already know data about the experience of people with a learning disability from B.A.M.E groups is very poor, and cannot tell us much beyond the fact that there are many people from B.A.M.E communities missing from the Learning Disability Register. Yet a report from the Race Equality Foundation has highlighted just how serious the healthcare inequalities are – and how much they’re exacerbated for people with a learning disability from B.A.M.E groups, with the COVID pandemic having shown just how serious the situation is. Throughout the pandemic, people from B.A.M.E communities have died disproportionately as have people with a learning disability, with the Race Equality Foundation’s report pointing out people with a learning disability were six times more likely to die from COVID – and 40% of these deaths were people from Black and Pakistani communities.
Three benefits of electric vehicles for disabled drivers

Being able to drive is an important part of keeping your independence as a disabled adult. Whilst more and more companies are offering delivery services, being able to drive potentially means that you can choose your own groceries, meet your friends and go on solo trips out. Especially for those who live in more rural areas, driving can be the difference between connection and isolation. Not only does this mean a more enriched life, but in turn it helps with mental health struggles, as feeling lonely can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. But with traditional vehicles sometimes making the driving experience less than pleasurable for those with a disability, is there a way to make driving more accessible? Can electric vehicles (EVs) help overcome some of those problems? We take a look at three reasons why electric cars may be better for disabled drivers. 1. Charging In traditional petrol or diesel vehicles, fuelling up can be an issue, both for those with mobility needs and those who struggle with muscular or limb problems. Firstly, the driver needs to pull in next to the pump. They then need to assemble their wheelchair and get into it before moving around the vehicle. Not only will there potentially be another car pulled up right next to theirs, but normally there is no room for a wheelchair or any other assistive devices to get between the car and the nozzle. Then, the nozzle can be hard to grip for enough time to fill a tank. Especially when combined with possibly needing to go into the kiosk to pay, this can make fuelling up an unpleasant and difficult experience. Of course, the driver may be able to attract the attention of a fuel station staff member, but this can be difficult, time consuming and often there are not enough staff available to help. EVs offer an easier option. Whilst finding a charging station on the road can be tricky, for short journeys, drivers can charge at home, meaning that they can put the charging point in a place that is convenient for their needs. An electric charger does not require the user to manually grip, either – because they push in like a plug, they can be a lot easier for people with disabilities to use. 2. Smooth driving experience EVs are often a smoother driving experience than a petrol or diesel car. A traditional engine constantly vibrates and changes due to gear changing and acceleration, meaning that the driver can feel this movement, as well as hearing the engine. In contrast, an EV doesn’t need to do this, which can be beneficial for those who have severe joint pain or any other conditions that can be inflamed by excessive movement. Another benefit of the electric engine is that it is significantly quieter than a traditional engine. They’re not quite silent, but you’d have to listen out for them. Not only can this provide a calmer driving experience, but it can be really beneficial for anyone who is sensitive to noise, or struggles to hear road noise like blue light vehicles over their engine. 3. Lower cost Whilst it’s true that EVs often have a higher initial purchase cost than a traditional vehicle, they can be cheaper to run. Electric cars have fewer moving parts than petrol or diesel vehicles, meaning that they require less maintenance. Whilst there are still several parts that a driver needs to maintain, like wipers, brakes and tyres, it’s less maintenance overall, which keeps costs down and reduces the chances of breaking down due to engine trouble. Not only will breaking down be inconvenient, but those with disabilities might struggle to be able to get help if they’re in a remote location. Luckily, electric vehicles tend to be relatively new and so it’s easy for garages to get parts to fit them. Plenty of manufacturers also offer regular battery health checks that are included with a service, meaning that drivers don’t need to take their car anywhere special and pay a premium price to get it serviced. They are also currently exempt from road tax, which can be helpful for those drivers who want to cut costs but don’t meet the government threshold for vehicle tax exemption.