The Alpha-Stim is a clinically proven microcurrent device that is to help fibromyalgia sufferers and has just been the subject of a successful trial on the NHS.
A recent study found that microcurrent cranial electrical stimulation significantly reduces pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances and improves functional status in fibromyalgia sufferers. The study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, investigated the effects of microcurrent cranial electrical stimulation (CES) therapy on lessening pain and its associated symptoms in fibromyalgia (FM) sufferers[1]. The researchers found that “those individuals using the active CES device had a greater decrease in average pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbance than individuals using the sham device or those receiving usual care alone over time.” In addition, the report concluded that “individuals using the active CES device had improved functional status versus the sham device and usual care alone groups over time”.
Fybro is typically treated using drugs including antidepressants, opiate analgesics and calcium channel blockers. Although most of these have shown to work to some extent (in up to 50% of patients), the effects on pain are minimal. This means that there is a real need for additional treatment approaches.
Based on the evidence that the brain processing of pain is disturbed in fibromyalgia sufferers, it is assumed that treatments that target the brain would be especially effective. Over the years, several types of electrical stimulation of the brain have been used to reduce pain or depression. However, most of these use high-strength current (electroconvulsive therapy) or an electrical field (repetitive transcranial electromagnetic stimulation), and because of this, they are only available in specialised facilities with trained health care professionals.
In contrast, microcurrent cranial electrical stimulation (CES) devices such as the Alpha-Stim deliver a safe, specially designed level of microcurrent that is suitable for use at home. The effects of the AS are transmitted through a direct action on the brain, likely at the limbic system, hypothalamus, thalamus, and/or the reticular areas.

In humans, electroencephalographic (EEG) studies have shown that CES can influence alpha activity (increase or decrease) and decrease delta and theta activity in the brain. In human participants with pain, CES treatment reportedly altered the EEG patterns to more closely resemble patients that are pain-free. In preliminary clinical studies using the LISS Cranial Stimulator, participants had increases in plasma serotonin and b-endorphin.
Another study that lasted 3 weeks, reported significant improvements in FM pain and in quality of life in those using the CES, compared with those using the sham device. [2]
Results from a major NHS study into Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) provided by the Alpha-Stim and how it helps those with anxiety disorders, were announced at the annual MindTech Symposium last December[3]. The study, which also revealed how CES helps with sleep, aimed to establish the clinical and cost effectiveness of this new form of treatment for those who have already tried basic psychological therapies unsuccessfully.
The CES device used in all these studies is the Alpha-Stim. Prices start from £549. For more information please visit or call 01487 208041.