Ardmaddy Estate sits in a quiet corner of Argyll, on the west coast of Scotland. Just half an hour from the fishing and ferry port of Oban it allows for easy access to shops, ferries, and exploration of the wider area – but at the end of the day you can return to your own little haven of peace and quiet.
Many people don’t go far away when they are staying here, choosing instead to enjoy the peace, the views, the birds and wildlife. We have many species that thrive on the land and waters at and around Ardmaddy – golden eagles, sea eagles, ospreys, buzzards, herons, otters, seals, pine martens, red squirrels, roe deer, stoats, and much more thrive in the environment that is as unspoiled as possible.
The wildflowers are in abundance with several species of wild orchid – many of them just beside the various tracks. In April, the bluebells give a lilac hue to parts of the landscape, and in May, the thrift on the shore creates a pink carpet. There are foxgloves dancing in the breeze,
In the local area you will find boat trips that will take you to visit the world-famous Corryvreckan whirlpool or on whale watching trips. Or take a ferry and bus trip to visit Mull and Iona – or a longer day out to Colonsay.

Many people come to visit the Gardens of Argyll – there are many that are open to the public, including the castle gardens here at Ardmaddy. Each season bring different plants, colours and scents. April is rhododendron time, and then the azaleas. In May you will see the clematis scaling the heights of the trees. Take your time going around and look carefully – whatever time of year you visit, who knows what you might see!
Our cottages are warm and comfortable, and enjoy lovely views. Caddleton Farmhouse is wheelchair accessible on the ground floor, Forest Cottage and The Stables just have a couple of steps to get in and then everything is on the same level. Only Craiguillean has several steps to get in, but is on the level once you are inside. The cottages all have enclosed gardens enabling you to sit outside in the warmth of a summer’s day.
Even if you have restricted mobility, or use a wheelchair or mobility scooter, there are several flat areas for you to explore and enjoy the scenery and flora and fauna – it is never far away.